Sunday, 1 November 2009

Main Task - Task 7


1. . How old are you? {please circle}

10-15 16-21 21-27 other_________ prefer not to say -

2. What gender are you? {please circle}

Male female

3. Do you buy music magazines? {please circle}

Yes No sometimes

4. If yes how often do you buy them {please circle}

Monthly seasonally weekly fortnightly

5. What genre of magazine do you buy the most? {please circle}

Indie pop rock country other ________________

6. What words do you think of when I say the word pop?

_______________, _______________, ________________

7. Who is you favourite pop singer or band?

_______________ _______________

8. What is your favourite colour {please circle}

Pink blue orange yellow purple black white

9. Do you prefer bands or solo artists {please circle}

Bands solo artists

10. Do you like receiving a free gift with a magazine {please circle}

Yes No

11. How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine {please circle}

£1.50 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £3.50 other_______________

12. Do you visit the magazine websites {please circle}

Yes No

13. Would you subscribe to a magazine {please circle}

Yes No

14. Would you buy a new magazine that was new to the market {please circle}

Yes No

here is video's of Nikki McCrory and Valerie Rivett answering my questionaire

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