Thursday, 8 April 2010

Main Task - Task 17

1. Do you like my final product?
Yes - 10
No - 0
- Conclusion - From this question i have 10 out of 10 people have said that they like my magazine, this shows that more people would be interested tp buy it if they like it.

2. Do you think that my front cover, contents page and double page spread link together in a postitive way?
Yes - 10
No - 0
- Conclusion - In conclusion all of the 10 people that i asked thought that my front cover linked which mean's that my product would look like a complete product. This shows that i have thought about the detail and that has resulted in my magazine looking more profesional.

3. If yes, how do they link together?
Colours - 7
Pictures - 1
Font - 1
Titles - 1
- Conclusion - Most poeple that i survayed said that they think that pages linked together becuase of the colours that i used, Whereas one person thought that they linked well because of the pictures, font and the title that i chosen to use.

4. What do you dislike about my product if anything?
Colours of font - 2
The title is to obvious - 3
Nothing - 5
- Conclusion - From my questionaire i have come to the conclusion that 50% of the people that i asked what they dislike about my magazine said that they didnt dislike anything, whereas other answers that where given where the colours of the font and the title is to obvious.

5. What do you like about my product if anything?
Colour Scheme - 2
The pictures used - 3
Coverlines used - 4
The way that the contents page is set out - 1
- Conclusion - From my conclusion i have discoved that most people like the coverline the most. This is an important thing for people to like as if they dont like what is in the magazine they will not buy that magazine.

6. Do you think that the colours that i have used are appropriate for the genre of magazine it is?
Yes - 9
No - 1
- Conclusion - Most people that i asked said that they did like the colours that i used however one person said that they didnt like the colours that i used.

7. Do you think that i have used appropriate images for the content that i have on the contents page and double page spread?
Yes - 9
No - 1
- Conclusion - From my questionaire i found that 9 outof 10 people did like the images that i used on my contents page and my double page spread, however one person said that they didnt like it.

8. Was my double page spread article easy to read and understand?
Yes - 10
No - 0
- Conclusion - I have found from my questionaire that every person that i gave the questionaire to thought that my double page spread was easy to read and understand. This is important as if you cant understand the main double page spread what is the point in buying the magazine.

9. What could i have improved on?
Made the writing bolder - 8
Nothing - 1
Could have got less obvious pictures - 1
- Conclusion - Most people that i have gave this questionaire to have said that i could have improved by making the writing bolder. Other things that they said i could improve on is that i could have chosen less obvious pictures and one perosn said i didnt need to improve on anything.

10. Do you think i have enough coverline for a typical pop magazine?
Yes - 8
No - 2
- Conclusion - Out of the 10 people that i asked to fill in this questionaire said that there was enough coverline, but two people disagreed and said that there wasnt enough.

11. Are the coverline that i have chose appropriate for a pop magazine?
Yes - 9
No - 1
- Conclusion - From my questionaire 9 people said that the coverline where appropriate for a pop magazine, however 1 person said that they wasnt.

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